Tire Shop in
Lafayette, Indiana
Did you know that your tires can have a big impact on the quality of your drive? Whether your tires are old, have a hole, or need an alignment, it’s important to keep up with the maintenance of your tires. At Auto Diagnostic & Repair Center, our tire shop in Lafayette, Indiana can help you and your car stay safer on the road.
Why Your Tires Needs Proper Maintenance
Just as your engine gets oil changes, your tires need special attention as well. Different services include tire rotation, realigning, inspecting the tire inflation, tread inspection, and sometimes you just need new tires. When your tires are properly maintained, it improves longevity and keeps you safer on the road. If your tread is uneven or worn down, it makes driving on wet/snowy roads even more dangerous. It increases the chances of losing control. This can be avoided by proper tread inspections and making sure your tires are always properly inflated.
How To Tell It’s Time For New Tires
If your tires aren’t properly maintained, they can wear out quickly and may even be dangerous to drive on. The best way to tell that you need to visit our tire shop in Lafayette, Indiana is through a couple of different tests:
- If there is wear mainly in the middle of the tire, it shows your tires are overinflated.
- If your tires are showing wear on the outside, your tire is underinflated.
- If your tires are experiencing erratic tire wear, your wheel may be out of balance.
- If there is a thumping sound, it could indicate the tire is out of balance.
Although, these are not the only ways to tell that your tires may need to be replaced. Whether your tires need to be replaced, repaired, aligned, or rotated, you can come to our tire shop in Lafayette, Indiana. Schedule an appointment today!